The French speciality chain Pile Poils, which implements the Futterhaus concept in France, is getting into serious difficulty. Numerous suppliers to the Soultz-based company have complained of Pile Poils running up huge debts and then either dragging its feet regarding payment or in most cases not paying up at all. Unconfirmed reports suggest the debts now amount to over € 600 000. Although some suppliers have been informed that an investor – allegedly a former employee of the Leclerc hypermarket chain – has stepped in, this has done nothing to shake up the company’s poor payment record, the suppliers say. “In spite of a barrage of reminders, letters, visits, solicitor’s letters, e-mails and faxes, we have not yet succeeded in speaking to the CEO Guido Arnold regarding this matter. We are very disappointed with this attitude,” said one manufacturer to pet magazine, summing up the feelings of many suppliers.