Overseas buyers of garden, leisure and pet products, invited by the Gardenex and PetQuip export federations to meet British suppliers in the UK, have hailed the latest ‘Meet the Buyer’ event as a great success. The event involved buyers from Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Romania and Sweden who met nearly 40 suppliers in one-to-one business-generating meetings. Ingrid Talving of Bramham Trade AS, Estonia’s largest distributor in the pet care sector, was one buyer who left the meeting with a whole range of product samples and stated that much business would result from her visit. Following the positive comments from buyers and suppliers alike, Amanda Sizer Barrett, the director general of Gardenex and PetQuip added: “The responses from buyers and suppliers and the business that ensues highlight the success of these events. The next meeting is scheduled for November this year, when we plan to attract other key buyers from leading European markets.”