Terrarium pets, reptiles
The fascination of reptiles remains as strong as ever. The pet is the focal point of terrarium keeping worldwide.
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Terrarium pets - Analysis of the reptile sector

Focus on the pet

There is scarcely any other segment of the international pet supplies sector in which attention is focused as closely on the pet as in the reptile sector. Many parallels with fishkeeping have become apparent in the segment’s development in recent years.
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Reptile keeping as a whole still appears to be the preserve of specialists. It isn't so long ago that it was seen as the hobby exclusively of younger males, mostly males sporting tattoos. Surveys conducted among pet supplies retailers in the early 2000s confirmed this impression.Even back then, however, trade and industry players were predicting that the reptile would one day become a family pet. An iguana roaming freely around the house instead of a dog or cat was the wishful thinking of many a pet sector expert. An attractively designed terrarium gracing the living room instead of a cheap glass box, a stylish piece of furniture that could be integrated into the modern living space - a development such as has taken place in fishkeeping, therefore.Trade and industry swing into actionPrejudices had to be dismantled first, however, because hitherto reptiles were considered anything but suitable for the lounge. The new pet stores with their reptile departments, which are clean, tidy, largely odour-free and attractively laid out, played a major role in modernisation. They offered a completely different experience from the world familiar from most small specialist businesses. Pet store customers shopping for dog or cat food discovered reptiles and took an interest in their needs and the conditions in which they were kept. The number of reptile enthusiasts grew, and a completely new customer circle was created.This increase in demand spawned an increase in the offering of attractive products: plug-and-play terrariums, some fully equipped with suitable accessories and tailored to certain species, convenience food and all manner of equipment that might not have been essential for the pet in question but appealed to its owner. The key message from retailers and manufacturers, however, was that the era of home-made solutions was over and reptile keeping was a hobby for every­one! And here, too, the parallels with aquariums were evident.
Problem petsAs already mentioned, the reptile is the focal point of terrarium keeping as a whole. While most terrarium enthusiasts appear satisfied with the pets available from pet stores, the specialist scene has developed into a pursuit of the unusual and outlandish. For these hobbyists, the so-called reptile fairs…
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