Change of leadership at RWA

Johannes Schuster succeeds Reinhard Wolf

Reinhard Wolf (left) hands over to Johannes Schuster (centre) and Christoph Metzker.(Source: Enno Kapitza & RWA, Schedl)
Reinhard Wolf (left) hands over to Johannes Schuster (centre) and Christoph Metzker.

Johannes Schuster, Managing Board Director at RWA Raiffeisen Ware Austria, succeeded Reinhard Wolf as Chairman of the Managing Board and CEO as of 1 December. Reinhard Wolf, long-standing Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, left RWA and the Lagerhaus Group at the end of November, the company reported in a press release. He will therefore devote himself entirely to his role on the BayWa Board of Management in the coming months.

Schuster has been a member of the Board of Management since January and will take over the management of the umbrella organisation of the Austrian Lagerhaus cooperative together with Christoph Metzker, who has been with RWA for 20 years and a member of the Board of Management since 2020.

Wolf justifies his departure with the request of the German retail company Baywa to help out on the Board of Management until a new management team is appointed. Wolf began his career after studying agricultural economics at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences at the former Austrian Raiffeisen Goods Centre (ÖRWZ). He was involved in the founding of today's RWA and has held the position of Managing Director since March 2013.

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