Worldwide export sales of dog and cat food totalled 22.7 bn dollars in 2022, according to industry service World’s Top Exports. Compared with 2018, thus just five years earlier, this signified growth of 57 per cent. The five most important export nations include three European countries, Germany, France and Poland, alongside the USA and Thailand (numbers 2 and 3).
During the coronavirus pandemic in particular, Europe was able to consolidate its leading position in the pet food market. According to data from the European pet product industry association Fediaf, sales growth of 5.1 per cent was attained in 2022 over the previous year to a volume of 29.1 bn euros. Europe also experienced a 3.5 per cent increase in terms of quantity. The main reason for this was the significant rise in the pet population during the pandemic. 91 mio households in Europe have at least one pet, with the majority owning a dog or cat, as compared with only 72 mio a decade previously. Pets are in demand and Covid provided the entire pet sector with added growth impetus. It has continued to benefit from this in the tougher years of 2022 and 2023.
Exports gain from the pet boom
Pet food made in Europe is popular not only with the domestic market but also abroad. Countries like Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands are among the leading exporters of pet food. Fediaf puts the number of European pet food producers at 150 companies, which operate 200 factories. Most of them operate on an international scale, supplying customers across the globe.
Different data is available regarding the level of export sales in the individual countries. Germany is considered the world’s most important exporter of dog and cat food with an export volume estimated at approx. 2.8 bn dollars. In 2022, the country increased its sales of dog and cat food compared with the previous year by 12.4 per cent, more than any other of the top 15 export nations. Other countries assuming important positions are France (approx. 2 bn dollars), Poland (approx. 1.7 bn dollars), the Netherlands (approx. 1.5 bn dollars) and the Czech Republic (720 mio dollars). Some smaller European countries, such as Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland and Denmark, are also among the top exporters.