In lockdown many people worked from home or had their working hours reduced. They had more time to fill, and many decided to get a pet, or more than one in some cases. The pet supplies sector reaped the benefits. In May, sales experienced a mild downturn in a number of retail operations, but by June they were rising again sharply. Industry experts point to the diminishing holiday prospects due to the pandemic as the reason for this trend, with large numbers of people opting to spend their vacation at home. The decision to invest instead in making the home nicer also meant an increase in spending on pet care products, treats and other rewards for their pets, along with toys and accessories so pet and owner could engage in indoor and outdoor activities.

Record sales in coronavirus year
In lockdown many people worked from home or had their working hours reduced. They had more time to fill, and many decided to get a pet, or more than one in some cases. The pet supplies sector reaped the benefits. In May, sales experienced a mild downturn in a number of retail operations, but by June they were rising again sharply. Industry experts point to the diminishing holiday prospects due to the pandemic as the reason for this trend, with large numbers of people opting to spend their vacation at home. The decision to invest instead in making the home nicer also meant an increase in spending on pet care products, treats and other rewards for their pets, along with toys and accessories so pet and owner could engage in indoor and outdoor activities.