There are many reasons for this. Pet product retailers and many of their suppliers still have difficulties with cat food and its marketing. The cat food market is defined primarily by moist food products. This is a domain of the supermarket trade, which is consequently the foremost distribution channel in nearly all countries. Efforts by the speciality trade to convince cat owners that premium food is healthier for their pets have not met with anything like the success that has been achieved with dog food. Compared with dog owners, cat owners spend far less on their pets. This is due to the fact that the human-canine bond is much closer and more emotional than that between people and cats. Felines are individualists and many spend the majority of their day outdoors. Dogs, on the other hand, consider man to be their social partner and usually develop a close relationship. This also explains why, in the lucrative and growing treat segment, far greater sales have been generated with dog treats than with products of this type for cats.

A category still with plenty of potential
There are many reasons for this. Pet product retailers and many of their suppliers still have difficulties with cat food and its marketing. The cat food market is defined primarily by moist food products. This is a domain of the supermarket trade, which is consequently the foremost distribution channel in nearly all countries. Efforts by the speciality trade to convince cat owners that premium food is healthier for their pets have not met with anything like the success that has been achieved with dog food. Compared with dog owners, cat owners spend far less on their pets. This is due to the fact that the human-canine bond is much closer and more emotional than that between people and cats. Felines are individualists and many spend the majority of their day outdoors. Dogs, on the other hand, consider man to be their social partner and usually develop a close relationship. This also explains why, in the lucrative and growing treat segment, far greater sales have been generated with dog treats than with products of this type for cats.