3 314 questionnaires were returned between June and September 2018, 45 per cent more than in the previous year. The animal welfare organisations sent 70 back, while the vets returned 29. No further information was available regarding the regions returning the 2018 questionnaire, unfortunately. 86 (previous year: 85) per cent of the respondents were female and 36 years of age on average (previous year: 35). A clear majority of the respondents (90 per cent) keep 1.4 dogs on average as compared with 85 per cent the previous year, also with 1.4 pets on average. The number of cat owners also increased from 35 to 37 per cent. These kept 2.3 cats on average in 2018, a slight increase from 2.0 in the previous year.

Spain heading down the right track
3 314 questionnaires were returned between June and September 2018, 45 per cent more than in the previous year. The animal welfare organisations sent 70 back, while the vets returned 29. No further information was available regarding the regions returning the 2018 questionnaire, unfortunately. 86 (previous year: 85) per cent of the respondents were female and 36 years of age on average (previous year: 35). A clear majority of the respondents (90 per cent) keep 1.4 dogs on average as compared with 85 per cent the previous year, also with 1.4 pets on average. The number of cat owners also increased from 35 to 37 per cent. These kept 2.3 cats on average in 2018, a slight increase from 2.0 in the previous year.