Over the past year, Tiendanimal has extended its social commitment by implementing projects to improve the quality of life of animals in vulnerable situations. The Iberian pet products specialist considers one of its most important milestones to be the donation of 370,000 kilos of food and essential products, thanks in part to solidarity collections in Tiendanimal stores. These donations mainly benefited animals affected by natural disasters such as the floods in Valencia and Castilla-La Mancha.
Thanks to initiatives such as the adoption website 'Adopta con Tiendanimal' and participation in adoption fairs such as the XIX Adoption Fair of the Community of Madrid, in which private companies participated for the first time, Tiendanimal was able to help a total of 3,500 animals find a new home in 2024 - a significant number in a country where animal abandonment remains a major problem, with around 300,000 cases per year, according to the Affinity Foundation.
Another important pillar was the 'Tiendanimal Educa 2.0' programme, which reached record numbers in the first few months of the school year, with more than 1,800 students trained. This free educational project promotes values such as respect and empathy towards animals and encourages responsible behaviour towards animals from an early age.
Looking ahead to 2025, Tiendanimal aims to redouble its efforts in these key areas: promoting the responsible adoption and ownership of animals, developing partnerships with local shelters and authorities, and seeking to expand the reach of its education programme.