The proportion of exhibitors and visitors from countries other than the USA has been incremented: 27 per cent of exhibitors and 25 per cent of buyers at the 13th edition of the Global Pet Expo, held this year, were from outside the US, coming from 79 countries. This year's show set many new records with 6 761 qualified buyers, 1 130 exhibitors and 3 437 booths sold. A visit to the Global Pet Expo has now become a must for buyers from all over the world, and this will still be the case even next year, when the next sector highlight, the world-leading Interzoo fair in Nuremberg, follows hot on the heels of the Global Pet Expo a couple of months later.

Global Pet Expo
All under one roof
The proportion of exhibitors and visitors from countries other than the USA has been incremented: 27 per cent of exhibitors and 25 per cent of buyers at the 13th edition of the Global Pet Expo, held this year, were from outside the US, coming from 79 countries. This year's show set many new records with 6 761 qualified buyers, 1 130 exhibitors and 3 437 booths sold. A visit to the Global Pet Expo has now become a must for buyers from all over the world, and this will still be the case even next year, when the next sector highlight, the world-leading Interzoo fair in Nuremberg, follows hot on the heels of the Global Pet Expo a couple of months later.