International manufacturers of dog food and treats for dogs and cats are by no means thin on the ground, and more are appearing every year. A company and its products thus gain all the more merit if the company succeeds in differentiating itself from the masses through commendations and praise from retailers. Even if the origins of Alpha Spirit date back to the 1920s, the company has only existed in its present form since 2013. Since then it has been producing semi-moist treats, functional semi-moist sticks, treats in sticks, long lasting snacks (ham bones) and complete food for dogs and semi-moist treats and semi-moist functional treats for cats in its factory in Lorca in south-eastern Spain. 70 people are employed in the head office, 60 in production and ten in the offices. "We developed tenderise technology, which is a proprietary manufacturing process and very novel technology to offer dogs the best complete and correct dog food, snacks and treats, and ham bones," explains Jose Luis Torregrosa, owner of Alpha Spirit. "We produce grain-free and meat-meal-free products and one of the best points in our manufacturing process is that we have kitchens and we cook our products in their own juices to maintain all the natural flavours and natural colours." The company also uses the so-called hydrolysis process to create hypoallergenic products. "And the grand finale is compacting everything and using very low temperatures instead of using extrusion. Extrusion needs at least 120º C - 140º C, which degrades all the properties, vitamins and minerals in the products," says Jose Luis Torregrosa.
Cooking like grandmother used to do
In creating its treats and food for pets, the company has let itself be guided by old values, as Jose Luis Torregrosa describes. "Could you imagine a product for your dog that is cooked like all our grandmothers used to do? A long time in the kitchen, with that free range chicken that was outside, the fish that was caught that morning, the pig in the backyard, not adding more than natural products, using only what they could find on their own land. And all in 100 per cent human grade. We use only what is rejected and not bought by the human consumption supply chain." Jose Luis Torregrosa adds emphatically that "that's what Alpha Spirit is all about - bringing back the origins to the pet".
Well-being and health
ADM, one of the world’s leading science-based nutrition solutions companies, has conducted a study of the US and European…