Ralf Majer-Abele
PET plus


Health is everything

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Pet health is the number one topic for the future in the pet sector. Nothing interests pet owners as much as the welfare of their pets, and scarcely any business category can have such huge potential for development as that relating to pet health. The industry has recognised this fact, but not all retailers have opened their eyes to it yet.Self-medication is in demand. Before heading to the doctor's surgery, people suffering from exhaustion or anxiety or feeling the effects of a cold often pay a trip to the pharmacy or supermarket first. There the shelves are neatly categorised according to particular ailments and stock any number of preparations that often have the desired effect on minor complaints.
This is not quite the case in pet stores, unfortunately. Customers have to search long and hard in store for products to remedy muscle and joint pains, skin and coat problems or disorders of the stomach and intestines in dogs and cats. Some may be located in the pet food department, others in the health and hygiene area and yet more on the displays dotted around the store.
 Why don't pet stores use corner shelving and prominent displays for special promotions on a selected health topic and put all the key products there? That would attract greater attention and help customers to find their way around the store better and faster. As with humans, the life expectancy of pets is growing; but with increasing age, pets also face the same physical problems that are familiar to people over the age of 40. Joints and muscles are no longer as strong, the bodily organs work more slowly and mobility is reduced. Although eating healthily and using prophylactics may not get rid of these problems, they can alleviate them to a considerable extent. Regular dental hygiene, maintaining joint mobility and sensible nutrition to look after the digestive tract are the watchwords here.  
Pet product retailers would do well to include special functional foods and food supplements in their range to a greater extent than before and present them in an eye-catching manner. The speciality trade has two advantages it can draw on here: it has an opportunity to generate additional sales with a suitable product display at the POS, and by presenting itself as a competent problem-solver with regard to health issues, it increases customer loyalty. Both of these aspects are good for business, not just now, but in the future too.
Ralf Majer-Abele
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