Review of the range
Far-reaching changes are planned with regard to the product range. The Karlie Group says that the original portfolios of the Karlie and Flamingo companies, comprising around 18 000 products in all, have already been standardised. The range currently still includes approx. 10 000 items, and continuous revision of the product range is envisaged. It is the company's intention to excel with fresh innovations by the time of the next Interzoo in Nuremberg. Robert Grant, founder and managing director of the subsidiary Sharples N Grant, has been given responsibility for the group's product range with immediate effect.
"Back in profit in 2016"
The two managing directors Dominik Müser and Dr Andreas Spiegel are confident that the company, which suffered losses last year, will gradually recover from this situation and be back in profit in 2016: "The measures that have been taken are supported by our shareholder Perusa and the investor intends to continue its long-term involvement."