Located in South Carolina, Panelis North America started operating early in 2012. Approximately 80 cats are responsible for tasting a variety of cat foods under the management of the highly-trained staff at the centre. This site exemplifies the Panelis core values of expertise, excellence, and well-being yet again, and the proximity of the worldwide facilities to the panels also reinforces the relevance of the panels representing local pet populations in terms of breeds and preferences. Europe The European Division has also been expanded in Elven/France by the addition of two new catteries and one kennel. The “Pets’ Resort by Panelis” sets a high standard in the management of pets’ well-being in palatability measurement, with a new kennel design and the “Toy Dogs’ Home” modelled on the real-life home environment. Adding toy dogs to existing multibreed dog panels was necessary to follow the dog market segmentation trend. With 600 cats and 250 dogs worldwide, and representing more than 60 breeds, Panelis is a unique expert collection of pet food’s end consumers. Brazil Always striving for leadership in palatability measurement, the company has now integrated the human dimension into its ongoing research programme, to understand how pet owners gauge their pet’s satisfaction with the product. This is reflected by the “Panelis in Home” project in Brazil, a semi-expert panel comprising approximately 100 dogs and their owners residing locally. It is also illustrated by the implementation in Europe of new “Petcentric” criteria. Such parameters represent a new way of assessing pet food performance and offer the opportunity to give it added market value. Download: All for pets (PDF file)
All for pets
Panelis, the Diana Group’s worldwide expert centre in palatability measurement, is continuing to develop its work focused on the well-being of cats and dogs internationally.