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Pet food - Biomill goes international

Biomill, the company that claims market leadership in dry pet food in Switzerland, intends to expand its export activities quite considerably

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France, Romania, Réunion and Ivory Coast have already seen the successful launching of Biomill products. Now the focus is on involvement in neighbouring countries including Germany, Austria and Italy. In a further step the company then plans to become established in Spain, Portugal and Greece, southern Europe's major pet food markets. Due to take place in parallel to this operation is entry on the market of two or three pilot countries in eastern Europe. In Scandinavia it is planned to use the Internet, which enjoys great popularity there, to increase the public's awareness of Biomill.
The company leaves no doubt about its goal of setting high quality standards when it comes to the choice of business partners. Transparency of the partner enterprise and many years of professionalism in the pet food sector must be guaranteed in each country. Biomill is also striving first and foremost for steady growth in countries where a specialist pet retail trade is already in existence.
The Biomill products are ready for shipment.
Biomill was set up in 1972 as a subsidiary of Minoteries de Plainpalais, one of Switzerland's leading producers of flour. In 1972 Biomill was the first pet food manufacturer in Switzerland to go for modern extrusion technology. In the meantime the company produces 7 000 t. annually. In the early nineties Biomill proved to have a good nose for future market trends when it invested a great deal of money in new production facilities, which meant it was fully prepared to enter the lucrative and growing high-end price segment. Today the company's range includes two successful premium lines for dogs and cats that are constantly being expanded by the addition of innovative new products. Just this autumn, for example, Biomill brought out "Homecat", a premium complete food specially developed for cats that live indoors without any chance of playing outside in the fresh air. Biomill's fish titbits for dogs, now on the market in a new 750 g zippered pack, have also become a top-selling item. Step by step the company hopes to achieve as its goal the image of a premium food specialist within the pet industry.
Chief executive Dr Stephan Leoni (right) and export manager Zoltan Juhasz.
The Swiss enterprise also intends to establish itself successfully in the export business under the slogan "Naturally pure". In this context Biomill guarantees maximum food safety, since both the choice and the quality of raw materials are particularly strictly controlled. All the…
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