Movement of animal and owner

Weenect conducts activity study

According to Weenect, optimising daily exercise with tech apps is also catching on in the pet sector.(Source: Weenect)
According to Weenect, optimising daily exercise with tech apps is also catching on in the pet sector.

According to a recent survey by Weenect, 70 per cent of pet owners who own a GPS tracker for their dog or cat also use activity tracking to keep an eye on their pet's movement. The results also show that owners are being encouraged to do more for themselves. For the study, 525 customers from France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany and the UK were surveyed and tracker data from around 180 animals was analysed.

One in three owners (37.7 per cent) have the wrong idea about their pet's activity - 25.4 per cent of them are more active than they think, and 11.9 per cent notice that their pet moves less. The GPS data reveals that dogs cover an average of 5.9 kilometres per day - more than four times as much as cats, who only manage 1.4 kilometres per day. Cats spend more time moving overall (13.5 hours a day), but move in shorter, more intensive phases.

The study also shows that every second owner (50.7 per cent) would find it interesting to compare their own activity with that of their pet. 15.6 per cent state that the pet's movement data could motivate them to become more active themselves. Just as many (15.2 per cent) say that tracking could raise their own awareness of exercise.

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