124 000 professionals from 91 countries

Biggest Pet Fair Asia ever

Over 2 500 companies, including most of the world's leading brands, showcased all types of pet industry products(Source: Pet Fair Asia)
Over 2 500 companies, including most of the world's leading brands, showcased all types of pet industry products

The 26th edition of Pet Fair Asia brought the global pet industry community together in Shanghai from 21-25 August for its largest edition to date. Over 2 500 companies, including most of the world's leading brands, showcased all types of pet industry products and the most ground-breaking innovations across 30 000 m2 of gross exhibition space. Pet Fair Asia Supply also made its debut as a co-located show, bringing together 600 exhibitors from across the pet industry supply chain.

Despite the current economic challenges around the world, the show's attendance remained robust and far exceeded expectations, with a total of 124 000 professionals from 91 different countries. In particular, there was a remarkable increase of 41.8 per cent in the number of international visitors, who for the first time accounted for 10 per cent of the total, making this edition the most international to date. The number of consumers who visited the event in the last two days also reached an all-time high of 386 000 people.

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