New study by Fact.MR

Strong growth in direct pet food sales

The study predicts that dog food will have a 58.6 per cent global market share in the current year.(Source: Gentle Dog Trainers, Pixabay)
The study predicts that dog food will have a 58.6 per cent global market share in the current year.

A new study by Fact.MR predicts that the global direct-to-consumer pet food market will reach a value of 18.3 bn dollars by 2034.

"Both customers and brands will benefit from the D2C business strategy," the study states. Brands in particular would benefit from higher profit margins and better customer loyalty through direct sales to consumers. Companies can track important customer information and offer subscription services to provide customised solutions for specific customer needs.

For the North American regional market alone, the study forecasts sales of 4 bn dollars by 2034. East Asia is expected to account for a market share of 25.7 per cent by 2034 and the D2C market in Canada is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 19.3 per cent up to 2034.

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