Fluval sponsors expedition to document the renowned Xingu River

Brazil’s Belo Monte Dam to have profound effect on the Amazon’s people, wildlife and aquatic ecosystem

Alongside top scientists in ichthyology and other fields from Brazil, Canada and the US, Rolf C. Hagen’s ambassador for the Fluval brand, Oliver Lucanus, documented and photographed a two-week expedition to research and analyse the Rio Xingu and its aquatic life before this rich ecosystem is altered forever by the Belo Monte Dam project. The Belo Monte corporation, in conjunction with the Brazilian government, is in the process of building the world's third largest hydroelectric dam on the Rio Xingu, a major tributary of the Amazon.
The Xingu is one of the most biologically diverse waterways on the planet, and is home to many well-known aquarium fish. Officially known as the Belo Monte Dam Complex, this project will divert 80 per cent of the Xingu's water flow and, in effect, flood over 1 500 km2 of Brazilian rainforest, not to mention the aquatic population and wildlife inhabiting the area. An estimated 50 000 people will also be displaced as a result of the project, including 1 000 indigenous inhabitants from culturally significant communities that have lived along this waterway for many generations.
Rolf C. Hagen has sought to educate the public about the profound effects the dam will have on the local environment and on fish keeping as a hobby, as certain species (i.e. Zebra Pleco, Hypancistrus Zebra) are predicted to perish as a result of the dramatic changes in water chemistry caused by modification of the river.
This expedition to the Xingu follows Fluval’s 2013 Colombian expedition, where Lucanus was among a team of individuals responsible for discovering a brand new species of Pike Cichlid. The Xingu mission is documented in journal, photo and video format on Fluval’s website at http://www.fluvalaquatics.com/ca/explore/expeditions/xinguexpedition
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