Caniland is always looking for unique and modern products. A year ago, the company joined forces with The Chilean Pet Kitchen to bring Creamies onto the European market. First shown at Zoomark Bologna (picture), the products got a very warm reception from the audience. According to Sven Kramer, key account manager at DTC, Caniland’s parent company, the products are now in stock in Germany and are ready to be distributed across Europe.

Creamies look like a normal cookie for humans and have a cream filling that is especially appealing to modern shoppers. Available in six tempting varieties, the cookies are grain-free and vegan. “Creamies are the perfect addition to our vast range of snacks,” says Raphael Kuhnert, CEO of Caniland. “With Creamies being available now, this is just the start of more interesting ranges – not only for dogs,” says Michael Alvermann, division manager at deuka companion.
For the launch of Creamies, Caniland is giving special introductory offers to all distributors.