
Together for species protection

sera, species protection(Source: Sera)

How can sera make a meaningful contribution to species conservation and at the same time ideally involve aquarists, terrarium enthusiasts and garden pond owners across borders? The answer was soon clear: with the popular sera calendar!

Apart from the design, the concept was also revised. Instead of providing the calendar free of charge as before, the 2024 edition can be acquired for one euro (sale price) for the first time. All the proceeds will be donated in full to species conservation projects worldwide. The following projects or organisations will each receive 20 per cent:  

  •  Goodeid Working Group (GWG) – conservation of Mexican Goodeid fishes.
  •  Aquazoo Löbbecke Museum Düsseldorf – breeding and conservation station for amphibians.
  •  Cologne Zoo – construction of breeding stations for threatened freshwater fish in Vietnam.

The remaining 40 per cent will be distributed to various regional projects, such as for conservation of the last Adriatic sturgeon in Italy or to explore and protect marine habitats in Spain and Portugal.

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