(From left) ÖHTV managing director Bernd Berghofer, ÖHTV president Hermann Habe and Andreas Popper, chairmanof the Austrian Pet Supplies Trade, presented the results of the latest survey on the Austrian pet population.
(From left) ÖHTV managing director Bernd Berghofer, ÖHTV president Hermann Habe and Andreas Popper, chairman of the Austrian Pet Supplies Trade, presented the results of the latest survey on the Austrian pet population.
PET plus


Pets still a trend

The number of pets in Austria is continuing to increase.  At the same time, the dog and cat population is ageing. 
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These are the findings of the latest survey on the domestic pet population conducted by the Austrian Pet Food Association (ÖHTV) and the Austrian Pet Supplies Trade/WKO. Currently, almost every other Austrian household has at least one pet – most frequently a cat. Most pets are found in the east of Austria.

“Our pets are getting older and older. The proportion of dogs and cats that are over ten years old has risen continuously over the last five years,” says ÖHTV president Hermann Habe. This observation was prompted by a study on the pet population in Austria carried out by Gfk on behalf of ÖHTV and the Austrian Pet Supplies Trade. It was the first joint survey by the two associations. “Due to the great success and interest, we have shortened the interval of the pet population survey in Austria from three years to two years,” adds Andreas Popper, chairman of the Austrian Pet Supplies Trade.  

The survey shows that the number of cats over ten years old has risen from 32 to 36 per cent compared with 2019. Over twelve per cent of households have cats that are even older than 15 years. Among dogs, the number of older animals, i.e. those over ten years old, has risen from 27 to 30 per cent compared with 2022. “With their high-quality pet food products, ÖHTV member companies make an important contri­bution to this by providing the basis for a long and healthy life for all pets with a balanced diet,” says Bernd Berghofer, managing director of ÖHTV.

The company of pets and their positive effects are highly valued in Austria.
Bernd Berghofer, managing director ÖHTV

Population continues  to grow 

A total of 1.8 mio Austrian households (46 per cent) have at least one pet. The number of cats increased slightly to 2.019 mio (2022: 1.985 mio animals), while the number of dogs living in Austria remained at the 2022 level of 836 000 animals. “In general, the pet population has continued to increase slightly over the years. The effect from the coronavirus period, when the pet population increased more significantly by five per cent, has levelled off again. Overall, however, we continue to see slight but steady growth. The company of pets and their positive effects are highly valued in Austria,” says Berghofer.

Overall, Austrians prefer the company of a cat: 2.019 mio pets live in 28 per cent of Austrian households (around 1.1 mio, the same figure as in 2022), while 17 per cent of households (around 668 000, one per cent fewer than in 2022) have one or more dogs, giving a total…

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