Last year, the global dog food market attained a value of around 58.45 bn dollars. According to a study by Expert Market Research, it is expected to grow between 2023 and 2028 at an average annual rate of roughly 3.9 per cent, reaching a value of approximately 73.53 bn dollars by 2028. The study names North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa as the key regions, with North America leading the market.
There is no reliable source of data regarding the global canine population; it is assumed to be around 900 million, however. The European pet industry federation Fediaf estimates the number of dogs in Europe to account for slightly more than ten per cent of this figure at 95 million, living in 25 per cent of households. These 95 million dogs constitute a significant economic factor: if every dog were fed 250 g of food per day on average, then around 8.7 bn kgs of dog food would be required annually. Behind this consumption is an industry that comprises around 200 plants in Europe alone and is responsible for employing more than 100 000 people.

Experts in the field know that dogs are by no means fed solely on moist food from a tin. A significant contribution to the growth in turnover is made by the market for dog treats, which has been in the ascendancy for years. American online retailer Chewy, for example, which specialises in treats, increased its net turnover in fiscal 2022 by 13.6 per cent compared with the previous year to 10.1 bn dollars. The market trend is being driven by innovative nutrition concepts, such as the use of insect protein and vegan menus among others.
Successful examples
A pioneer of organic pet food is the Dutch company Yarrah, which has been operating since 1992. At a time when it was still common across the industry for dog food to contain chemical colourings, aromas and flavourings, Yarrah took the decision to go down a different route in future. Company founder Jan-Jaap Roelevink created an organic dog food that he fed to his Bernese Mountain dog Dano. His products are now sold in 30 countries, with a range spanning moist and dry food, treats for dogs and cats and organic cat litter. Vegetarian dog food has even been part of the company’s portfolio since 1995.
One example from the more recent past is the Belgian company Edgard & Cooper, established in 2016. Louis Chalabi and Koen Bostoen wanted to offer a dog food…