The APPA pulse survey was conducted in two waves in June and September last year, using an online questionnaire. Slightly more than 2 000 respondents were involved in each case, including people who don’t own any pets.
The results of the study show some interesting changes in attitudes and behaviour in the three months between the two surveys undertaken in the study: for example, concern regarding the trend in the economy lessened for all respondents. In June, 71 per cent of those surveyed agreed that the economy would worsen in the next 12 months, with 75 per cent believing that it was heading for a recession. These figures declined in September to 60 and 69 per cent, respectively. Furthermore, there was an increase in the percentage of respondents who thought that they would be in a better place financially in a year’s time than now.
The percentage of pet owners who had as many pets in September as they had three months previously was unchanged at 73 per cent. And 20 per cent stated that they had more pets than before.
What pet owners said
Pet owners in particular appeared increasingly optimistic with regard to supply chain and staffing issues. Slightly more than a third of respondents expressed concern regarding these problems, as compared with 43 per cent in June. When it came to spending on pets, the percentage who said that they had spent more in the last month increased from 31 per cent in June to 36 per cent in September. At the same time, the percentage spending less had fallen marginally from 20 per cent in June to 19 per cent in September. The percentage of people admitting to stocking up on pet requisites increased in every category and especially for pet food.
The study also shows changes due to the current economic situation, however. The percentage of respondents whose pet owning was influenced by the present situation rose from 21 per cent in June to 26 per cent in September. A higher proportion indicated that the impact was positive (17 per cent), however, resulting in the acquisition of a new pet for 15 per cent of those surveyed.

32 per cent of respondents in the Generation Z group, followed by 27 per cent of millennials, said that the economic situation had exerted a positive effect on…