The complete foods are produced in Styria in conformity with the strict guidelines of Austrian food legislation. The recipes for the menus were developed in collaboration with veterinarians, the organic varieties of Dog's Love being formulated as gluten-free single-protein menus without flavour enhancers, flavourings, colourings, preservatives or additional sugar. Dispensing with classic animal testing is a matter of conviction for the company, and so every product is sampled initially by the dogs present in the family-owned firm, primarily by Nala, the Golden Retriever. "She is my favourite tester, because she likes everything," jokes entrepreneur Katharina Miklauz. A network of volunteer testers is also available to her among her circle of friends. A high level of acceptance of Dog's Love products confirms the correctness of the Vienna company's testing strategy.

Organic food from Austria tops the ratings
The complete foods are produced in Styria in conformity with the strict guidelines of Austrian food legislation. The recipes for the menus were developed in collaboration with veterinarians, the organic varieties of Dog's Love being formulated as gluten-free single-protein menus without flavour enhancers, flavourings, colourings, preservatives or additional sugar. Dispensing with classic animal testing is a matter of conviction for the company, and so every product is sampled initially by the dogs present in the family-owned firm, primarily by Nala, the Golden Retriever. "She is my favourite tester, because she likes everything," jokes entrepreneur Katharina Miklauz. A network of volunteer testers is also available to her among her circle of friends. A high level of acceptance of Dog's Love products confirms the correctness of the Vienna company's testing strategy.