Quick, reliable rehydration is the key to ensuring effective hydration in pets and avoiding potential health issues. In initial trials comparing fluid intake versus water, dogs drank four times more Doggyrade than water, the company states. In similar trials testing fluid intake in cats, cats drank three times more Kittyrade than water. The new pet products include isotonic rehydration drinks for cats and dogs, a meal enhancer for dry pet food and an isotonic rehydration formula for veterinary patients.
Arie Halpern, Tonisity CEO, explains: "When people exercise, we take sports drinks to help replace the fluids and electrolytes that we have lost. The same principle applies to pets. They need quick rehydration to help avoid dehydration and return to normal quicker." The range of isotonic drinks is designed specifically for each species, with a view to improving hydration and avoiding potential health issues.
Happy. Healthy. Hydrated.
Doggyrade helps dogs to rehydrate quickly after exercise and older dogs to drink more regularly. It contains the necessary electrolytes to help dogs rehydrate and contains prebiotics which help to support gut health, as well as improving digestion and nutrient absorption.
Kittyrade encourages reliable hydration in cats. The aromatic chicken smell and delicious taste entices cats to drink. It contains prebiotics which help to support good health, and improve digestion and nutrient absorption. It includes glutamic acid, an amino acid that is beneficial for intestinal function, and also contains taurine, an essential amino acid for cats, which promotes eye and heart health.
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Yummyrade is a meal enhancer to improve the taste and palatability of pet food. It provides a flavour boost that encourages both dogs and cats to eat their food. Yummyrade is low in calories and fat, and also contains prebiotics to support good health.
Doggyrade Pro helps dogs go from anorexia to appetite and can be used in the stabilisation of the water and electrolyte balance in veterinary patients. It also contains glutamic acid.