Probiotics improve nutrition through the synthesis of essential ingredients such as vitamins, short-chain fatty acids and enzymes (amylases, proteases). Moreover, probiotic bacteria decompose food components that would not be digestible without their participation. They increase resistance to infections. They eli-minate unwanted bacteria, including substances produced by them which inhibit growth. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on reproduction, the quality of the offspring and their survival.
Probiotics in fish food
Probiotics improve nutrition through the synthesis of essential ingredients such as vitamins, short-chain fatty acids and enzymes (amylases, proteases). Moreover, probiotic bacteria decompose food components that would not be digestible without their participation. They increase resistance to infections. They eli-minate unwanted bacteria, including substances produced by them which inhibit growth. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on reproduction, the quality of the offspring and their survival.