Tiendanimal (Spain)
The fashion category is growing pretty quickly. However, even if we do cover a significant part of the demand with reference to all kinds of pets, since the departure point was quite low it does not go beyond 3 per cent of our total sales.Our clients look for simple products and quality. According to the above-mentioned report, 57 per cent of the people who buy fashion products for their pets generally aim at protecting them from cold and rainy weather and only a small percentage acquire pet clothing for fashion purposes or for fun during certain periods of the year such as at Christmas or during carnival."Rafael Martínez-Avial, CEO
Superzoo (Czech Republic)
We try to offer the newest fashion ranges each year, but this topic is not so important and significant in our shops. We do not specialise in pet fashion; the turnover is not too high. If I compare the turnover from 2018 sales of fashion to total sales of dog products, it was only 1 per cent. The ratio of fashion sales to total sales of all dog products for walking such as leashes, collars, shoes etc. is slightly better at 12 per cent.
We noticed that people often prefer natural fibres such as cotton and one of the favourite materials is softshell. Trends in human fashion are copied a lot. This will certainly be due to the fact that people want to harmonise their dogs with them? Most people are interested in fashion with reflective elements, they put the emphasis on safety."Veronika Zarybnická, Marketing