The trend towards barfing caters to the desire to feed pets in as natural and healthy a way as possible. Dogs should eat as wolves or wild dogs did in the past. Feeding raw foods is growing in popularity, but also gives rise to controversy. Anibio offers various supplements to facilitate healthy and simple barfing and the company sees plenty of potential in the development of the market in the future, especially with regard to species-specific and natural feeding. "Pet owners are taking increasing care both with regard to themselves and their pets to ensure that their nutrition and care products contain natural and ideally organically cultivated ingredients," says Michael Specht with conviction. "We recognise that pet owners are becoming more critical. What does the product contain and what does my pet tolerate? Can it trigger allergies or food intolerances? They are asking these questions more and more frequently."
Anibio takes the demand for natural, species-specific food and care into account, using purely natural ingredients that have been organically cultivated and processed gently where possible. If regional cultivation is feasible, then the ingredients are sourced regionally. One special feature highlighted by Michael Specht is that many of the products are energised, a treatment that can promote protective and healing processes.