Modern times
Such material is actually not so different today. It is simply more modern, developed on the basis of scientific knowledge with regard to addressing the customer and above all dictated to the retailer by the manufacturer. If a manufacturer launches a new range of products, then it must also supply the appropriate sales aids, otherwise most retailers don't even notice at first. Many pet stores have thus been turned into a colourful marketplace of displays and presentations.
Creativity knows no bounds here. TFT monitors are now common in stores, controlled by a movement sensor so that they start to play as soon as a customer moves into range. Interactive displays that get the viewer involved or simply offer an opportunity to obtain further information are also a standard feature in many retail sectors.
What might the next step be, however? There is already speculation regarding automatic machines dispensing product samples, information terminals controlled by smartphone etc. Another question that gives rise to controversy is trying to second-guess what consumers use and what they actually want. Sales trainers and experts in psychology have been wrangling over this one for years.
Entire armies of developers, graphic designers and manufacturers are now deployed on coming up with suitable sales aids. This has developed into a branch of industry all of its own, spawned mainly by advertising agencies and packaging companies, who have discovered a common playing field here.
The customers rely on a swift, creative implementation of their wishes and above all on adherence to the stipulated costs for each display…