Although nothing has changed substantially as regards the dominance of the French supermarkets, other distribution channels, especially pet stores, are gradually gaining ground. There are several reasons for this. For one thing, the number of pet stores in France has increased steadily in recent years, not least due to the arrival of the Fressnapf Group in the market. Now many pet owners don’t have to drive miles to shop in a pet store. Most of these stores are located in well-frequented shopping centres with extensive car parking.
Another reason for the growth observed in the French pet supplies trade lies in the more sophisticated demands of many pet owners. Dogs and cats have become fully-fledged family members in many households, for whom only the best is good enough in terms of pet food and accessories. And there are a growing number of single people, for whom these pets are the main object of affection.
Whether French pet product retailers will ever be able to break the dominance of the grocery trade remains to be seen. We must also wait to see how online shopping develops in the pet sector. Its market share is currently estimated at just 2 per cent, but that should change in the next few years, as the experience of other countries shows.
tend to introduce their own online shops. That will surely raise their profile and their prominence in the market as a whole, and give further impetus to the pet supplies trade in France.
Ralf Majer-Abele
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