PET plus

More traffic to hardware stores

Lots of Americans, like people everywhere, love pets, and if they own pets, they spend money on them - sometimes lots of money and repeatedly. That basic fact is why many hardware stores include a pet department, along with basic categories such as tools and hardware.
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A pet department brings people to the store repeatedly, especially if the hardware store sells pet food, which needs regular replenishment. For most retailers, pet supplies serve as a convenience category, occupying 8 feet or thereabouts of gondola or wall fixtures, with a limited assortment usually focused only on supplies for cats and dogs. Some other stores, however, contain sizeable pet departments that serve as a destination in themselves. Several facts seem to dictate whether a store includes a large pet supplies department or not:
Management has determined there is a market opportunity – either a lack of competition or weak competitors;
Management and other store personnel like pets and feel a kinship with other pet owners, so the department gets special attention.
How to promote pet departments A spot check of retailers with good pet departments makes it clear that there are many opportunities for special promotions that will attract pet owners and generate repeat business and visits. Here are some examples of what American hardware retailers are doing to promote pet departments:
A costume contest for dogs as well as sometimes for cats;
Trick-or-treat promotion for dogs and providing free treats for all kinds of pets;
Keeping dog treats at the checkout to give to pets;
Allowing customers to bring pets into the store;
Special events such as vaccination days, rabies clinics, adoption days, first aid clinics, etc.
Most departments concentrate on items for dogs and cats, the most common pets, but many also offer items for a wide range of other pets, such as harnesses for rabbits, food and other needs for fish, supplies and feed for birds, etc. Some stores have their own pets, usually a dog, though sometimes a cat. Ownership of a pet like that seems to be helpful in promoting a pet department because pet owners feel “you are one of them”. Pet departments generally need to occupy 15 feet or more of fixtures in order to accommodate an adequate assortment, especially if pet food is included. Some dealers have departments of 25 feet or more, and transact as much as 15 per cent of all their business in pet supplies and pet food. Pet food is the most competitive item usually, especially since it is often stocked in grocery stores and mass merchants such as Walmart or pet chain stores like Pet Smart or Petco. But this is where the personal relationship between customer and retailer becomes a factor, since it will be present in hardware stores and lacking in…
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