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Niche product with substantial earnings potential

Aquatic plants rank among the aquarium products with the highest rate of turnover. They can bring in consi-derable revenue for the pet product trade for just a few square metres of retail area.

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In spite of this, many pet product retailers have failed to grasp the art of presenting aquatic plants in an attractive and interesting manner in their shops. Countless speciality dealers still stock a limited range comprising just a few plants, which eke out a miserable existence in undersized tanks, receiving little care and attention. As such, these traders are neglecting an important source of income.The picture is altogether different for those pet dealers who appreciate the value of aquatic plants. Instead of squandering a few standard varieties cheaply, they invest in the pulling power of new attractions, which are displayed in a suitably pleasing fashion in the store.Europe is home to a large number of aquatic plant breeders. Such firms exist in abundance in Germany and especially in Holland, most of them selling their products abroad as well as in the domestic market. Perhaps the most well known company of this kind in the pet product industry isTropica Aquarium Plants, a Danish firm based in Egaa. Each year Tropica cultivates two million aquarium plants comprising more than 150 different varieties, which are exported worldwide. The10000 m² electronically monitored plant nursery and biotechnology laboratory started life modestly in 1970 as a result of the passionate interest in aquarium plants shown by the owner, Holger Windeløv. Today the company has around 50 employees. Systematic research into biotechnology as well as computer-controlled cultivation conditions ensure optimum nutrition and growth, so that the plants Tropica produces are very healthy and robust as well as beautiful. A large proportion of Tropica's propagation work involves pinching out the side shoots and small plants created by the mother plant. These shoots are planted in pots and often divided several times as they grow larger. Other mother plants are allowed to seed, and these seeds are sown for germination just like any other type of plant. Moreover, Tropica also takes ordinary cuttings, which are planted out to take root. The vast majority of the propagation work takes place using one of these traditional methods, providing plenty of work for green fingers every day.Tropica's main export markets are Germany, England and France. Sweden, Norway, Italy, Poland and the Baltic states are also high on the list. The plants are delivered to most export destinations within 48 hours at the most, although the majority of foreign customers receive their goods in 24 hours.Tropica cares…
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