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In Europe the aquatics market is stagnating. PET in Europe spoke to Elio Angriman, the sales and marketing director of the Italian company Hydor, about the current situation and the future of fish-keeping as a hobby

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PET in Europe: In many European countries, the aquatics market is sta-tic or only showing slight growth. What in your opinion are the reasons for this?Elio Angriman: Recently the aquatics market has been under attack from many different sides. First of all new hobbies and consumer trends relating to new technologies (the Internet, mobile phones etc) have partly replaced traditional hobbies (like fish-keeping, for example). On the other hand, the great development in distribution of aquariums and aquarium equipment through distribution channels other than traditional pet stores, such as supermarkets, hypermarkets, garden centres, DIY stores and home centres, has surely widened and will widen even more the circle of potential consumers. Surely the specialist trade has the opportunity to make fish-keeping a more attractive hobby, supporting enthusiasts with customer service on the proper scale.PET in Europe: What is Hydor doing to make fish-keeping more attractive as a hobby?Elio Angriman: To make fish-keeping more attractive as a hobby, Hydor is using its technology and innovation to create products that are highly innovative and user friendly at the same time, because quality is viewed increasingly by the end consumer in terms of user convenience. Our highperformance products in fact contribute to creating a more lively, safer and enjoyable aquarium."For years the aquarium business has been considered too technological", says Hydor's sales and marketing director Elio Angriman.PET in Europe: Hydor has built up a good reputation internationally as a manufacturer of aquarium accessories. Where does Hydor place the main emphasis in its range?Elio Angriman: It is quite difficult to answer this question, since we are very strong on the whole range of products. Actually our main emphasis is in trying to understand in advance the specific needs of the market and trying to fulfil them. And we think that what consumers want are high performance products that are also easy to understand and consequently use.PET in Europe: There is fierce competition in the aquarium accessories segment. How do you try to differentiate Hydor from your competitors?Elio Angriman: We differentiate ourselves from our competitors by virtue of the high quality of our products. This can easily be perceived by the retailer, who will then advise the end consumer. Hydor's aim is to improve its technologies continuously, trying to innovate in the world of aquariums and looking for new…
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