Polina Kosharna of the Suziria Group of Ukraine was presented with the Pet Personality Award 2024 at the International Pet Expo in Brussels for her group's tireless efforts, even during the war. These efforts have paid off, as she and her team continue to move forward and look to the future.
The ten markets in which the company currently operates – Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Moldova, Hungary, Georgia and Ireland – are set to be joined by other European regions. Agreements have already been signed with new agents in Greece, Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, the Balkans, Benelux and beyond. The product range will also be further expanded by the end of 2025: Suziria is currently building a plant to produce wet food (pouches) from the economy to the super-premium segment.
Targeted advertising and social media campaigns will ensure that partners have the tools and resources they need to reach a global audience. A particular highlight was the social media presence of the Savory holistic food brand and its expansion in Poland. Initiatives such as the collaboration with pet-friendly beauty salons in Warsaw: every visitor who comes with a pet can try Savory products for free. A culinary masterclass was also organised for Polish influencers to raise brand awareness.
Suziria Group has reached another important milestone: it has signed a 2 mio dollars grant agreement with USAID as part of the Investing for Business Resilience project for war-affected businesses. With these funds, the company will begin production of wet pet food in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.