All-time record

European private label sales rose to 355 bn euros

Private label products also play a major role in the pet industry.(Source: Dähne Verlag, Gardemin)
Private label products also play a major role in the pet industry.

52-week sales of private label in Europe, as of July 2024, increased to 354.5 bn euros, an all-time record. Private label turnover improved 6 per cent, or 20 bn euros.

In the same period, manufacturers’ brands sales grew 4 per cent. Private label now makes up 39 per cent of the total grocery market value in the 17 national markets tracked for PLMA by Nielsen IQ.

For the period, the grocery market showed a small increase again in volume, after many declines, the volume in units of the total market rose by +1 per cent. Private label was a driver here with a volume increase of +3 per cent while manufacturers’ brands volume decreased by -1 per cent.

European markets remain some of the biggest for private label globally, 11 markets have a private label share above 30 per cent, and 6 markets are above 40 per cent. The collective private label share in Europe's three largest markets – Germany, the United Kingdom, and France – is 40 per cent.

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