The Netherlands

Edupet opens education and animal welfare centre

The new education and animal welfare centre is located in Lelystad.(Source: Edupet)
The new education and animal welfare centre is located in Lelystad.

Dutch company Edupet will officially open a new education and animal welfare centre in Lelystad on 18 October. It‘s located next to the current building of the Martin Gaus Academy in Lelystad. It will provide practice-oriented education, especially about dogs.

„Animal professionals, students and pet owners can work together optimally in the new centre“, the company states. The facilities include class rooms and meeting rooms, a training field with observation area for students, consultations on dog behaviour for consumers, a doggy playground and sensory garden, a veterinary clinic, an animal physiotherapist and a grooming parlour with dog wash.

Dutch dog celebrity Martin Gaus will kick off the official opening together with the management of Edupet.

The very first activity in the centre will be the Animal Welfare Congress on 19 October, where various speakers will present innovative insights into the field of animal and human welfare. An open house will follow on 20 October.

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