Dual leadership with Jan Oßenbrink

Hunter strengthens its management team

The new management duo at Hunter: Nadine Trautwein and Jan Oßenbrink.(Source: Hunter)
The new management duo at Hunter: Nadine Trautwein and Jan Oßenbrink.

On 1 January, Jan Oßenbrink will be appointed to the management board of German accessories manufacturer Hunter. Together with Nadine Trautwein, he will form the dual leadership of Hunter. Oßenbrink has been an external consultant to the company for many years. He brings extensive experience as an entrepreneur and founder.

"I have known Jan for many years and, in addition to his diverse experience and expertise, I particularly value his common understanding of culture, his enthusiasm and curiosity for new business areas and business models, his determination and his enjoyment of performance," says Nadine Trautwein, Managing Partner of Hunter.

The new dual leadership team will continue to drive the company's development and open up new business areas.

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