Important step for the Belgian company

Flamingo receives Voka Charter for sustainable management

A big event for Flamingo: the Belgian company received the Voka Charter for sustainable Business.(Source: Flamingo Pet Products)
A big event for Flamingo: the Belgian company received the Voka Charter for sustainable Business.

Flamingo Pet Products, a leading Belgian supplier of pet products, has taken an important step towards greater sustainability. The company has now been awarded the Voka Charter for Sustainable Entrepreneurship.

This is an initiative of the Belgian chambers of commerce, which, together with interested companies, develop an action plan that contributes to the realisation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations. After one year, the plan is evaluated by an external evaluation committee. A positive assessment leads to the award of the Voka Charter for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (VCDO). This was the case for Flamingo.

The Belgian pet company, which says it considers sustainability to be part of its DNA, was one of 50 companies across the country that work in a wide range of sectors and for whom sustainability is of great importance. Together, they implemented 750 measures to reduce their carbon footprint – a record to date, according to Flamingo. The pet company, which also regularly publishes its own sustainability report, feels that the award confirms the path it has taken so far, but also has plans for the future to further consolidate its reputation as a model company in the pet industry when it comes to sustainability.

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