Growing numbers

APPA releases dog and cat owner insight report

(Source: Huoadg5888, Pixabay)

The American Pet Products Association (APPA) has released the 2024 Dog and Cat Report. It provides comprehensive analysis and visuals on owner shopping trends, sentiment, demographics and behaviors with dedicated modules for dog and cat owners.

The key findings from the report include: The use of calming products has grown by 168 per cent for dogs and 174 per cent for cats since 2018. 59 per cent of dog owners and 52 per cent of cat owners use some type of calming product, up from 22 and 19 per cent, respectively.

There is an upward trend of veterinarian-diagnosed dog and cat obesity and prescribed weight-loss diets. 12 per cent of dog owners and 17 per cent of cat owners say that their veterinarian considers their pet obese (up from 9 and 15 per cent in 2022), while prescribed weight loss diets are reported by 11 per cent of dog owners and 13 per cent of cat owners (up from 9 and 12 in 2022).

Most significant is the number of dog and cat owners who have taken their pets on three or more trips in the last year. Among dog owners, 34 per cent have taken their dogs on three or more trips in the car, up from 26 per cent in 2022.

“The enduring emotional connection between humans and their pets remains deep. With that said, we were surprised and eager to see the increased pet owner prioritization and concern over the health of their pets, whether that be obesity, anxiety or overall wellness. It indicates that pets’ quality of life has become a top priority for owners,” said APPA President and CEO Peter Scott.

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