Landguth Heimtiernahrung

Super-premium fillets for cats

Nuevo super-premium pet food, Landguth Heimtiernahrung

Nuevo super-premium pet food offers the perfect solution for the specific feeding requirements of cats. It is enriched with high-performance nutrients. The range is developed to satisfy the needs of cats from kitten to adult but also of those with special requirements, such as sterilised cats and cats with sensitive digestion. Nuevo LovelyFilets are made of highest-quality fillets from chicken, turkey or salmon. The recipes are combined with all the vitamins & minerals your cat needs to provide a perfect complete daily meal. 9 different varieties provide a delicious meal every day. The secret of Nuevo is the high content of fresh, super-premium quality meat. All ingredients have been approved for human consumption. Meat, vegetables and cereals are almost exclusively purchased from local producers that we have worked with reliably over several years. Short delivery channels guarantee maximum freshness. Nuevo ingredients are processed rapidly in a gentle cold process to ensure that all the natural vitamins and minerals are retained. The professional processing guarantees high digestibility and is also suitable for cats with sensible stomachs. Also available: two different types of multipacks for easy handling and daily variety.
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