€ 14 mio invested

Bewital commissions two new plants

The new wet food plant. Here fresh meat will now be processed so that it can be used directly in the production of dry food.
The new wet food plant. Here fresh meat will now be processed so that it can be used directly in the production of dry food.

Bewital has marked the opening of two new facilities at its headquarters in Südlohn-Oeding with a function attended by over 800 guests from Germany and abroad. The company has built a plant for processing meat, in which fresh meat will now be processed for use directly in the production of dry food. The classic tins and freshness pouches will also be produced in the new plant.
Bewital also regards the construction of a new dry food plant boasting the globally unique "thermal mix" technology as a further investment in quality. Compared with conventional production methods, significantly more fresh meat can be processed into dry food using this technology.
The company has invested around € 14 mio in the two new facilities.
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