Kakadu in turmoil

Sector insiders report that the Polish pet supplies chain is having difficulties with payment and now also intends to close individual stores. Will Fressnapf gain a foothold in Poland as a result?

At the PetFair trade show in Lodz, which ended last Sunday, people were talking openly about the payment difficulties experienced by Polish pet supplies chain Kakadu and the fact that it is now also to close some stores. Sector insiders also said that many suppliers have been waiting to be paid for months and are no longer supplying the chain. There were also changes on the management board recently. Reasons cited for the company’s precarious position are lease contracts that are too expensive and too long, and a high number of loss-making stores. The Fressnapf chain, with stores throughout Europe, has allegedly expressed an interest in acquiring some of the stores. Fressnapf would thus realise its long-declared aim of entering the Polish market.
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