Pet product show returns to Beijing


China International Pet Show to include horticulture segment

The 8th China International Pet Show (CIPS) returns this year to Beijing, where it will run from 11 to 14 October 2004. Last year the show was held in provincial capital Guangzhou and attracted around 10,000 trade visitors, approximately 60 per cent up on the previous year’s attendance. Most of the visitors (23 per cent) were from the aquatics trade, while pet dealers accounted for 20 per cent. The number of exhibitors rose from 227 to 272. Germany had the largest of the 44 foreign exhibitor contingents, with 15 German companies exhibiting. The organizers of the show – China Great Wall International Exhibition, the Guangdong Aquarium Association and Nürnberg Global Fairs – are expecting over 270 exhibitors once again this year. The show will feature a horticulture segment for the first time, which will focus mainly on garden ponds and fountains and the breeding and care of ornamental fish. Garden furniture will also be included.
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