Growing price differential in the enlarged EU


The cost of living is 28 per cent lower in Warsaw than in Berlin, and 28 per cent more expensive in London

The price differential in the European Union will become considerably greater with the accession of a further ten states on 1 May. This is demonstrated by price comparisons made by the German Federal Bureau of Statistics. In a comparison with Berlin, consumers were able to shop 28.1 per cent more cheaply in Warsaw this March, and some 27.3 per cent cheaper in Prague. The cost of living was 1.8 per cent lower in Luxembourg, 1.4 per cent in Madrid, and 1.2 per cent in Lisbon. On the other hand, living is 5.8 per cent more expensive in Vienna, 15.0 per cent higher in Paris, and 28.0 per cent up in London, currently the most expensive capital city within the organisation.
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